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These challenges cover all the major groups of animals. It is organized by their evolutionary groups so you can learn more about biology while you work.
Animal Challenges: News
250 Hoofed Mammals
horses, goats, zebra, deer, etc.
10-15 minutes each, 375 points
250 Carnivore Mammals
dogs, cats, seals, bears, foxes, raccoons, hyenas, etc.
10-15 minutes each, 375 points
250 Other Mammals
monkeys/apes, armadillos, rodents, bats, kangaroos, elephants, etc.
10-15 minutes each, 375 points
250 Birds
10-15 minutes each, 375 points
250 Reptiles and Amphibians
lizards, frogs, snakes, salamanders, etc.
10-15 minutes each, 375 points
250 Fish and Cetaceans
fish, sharks, dolphins, whales, manatees, etc.
10-15 minutes each, 375 points
250 Invertebrates
insects, molluscs, arachnids, etc.
10-15 minutes each, 375 points
Animal Challenges: List
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