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This community has been made possible by the immeasurable support of its leaders, members, and fans. We cannot even begin to describe how much your consideration and support means to us! As an education based non-profit all donations go directly to the community and its events. We have several ways we accept support: If you would like to continually support us, you can sign up for our Monthly Donation membership plan. If you would like to do a one time donation, you can via Venmo or PayPal.  Another way we accept support is through professionals who donate their time to share their experiences with us! We will gladly welcome you as a guest speaker if this is the case! Whether it’s sharing your career journey or the evolution of your art, we are young and driven artists who love to hear it all! Some of the guest speakers we have had are John Paladora, TB Choi, and Carlo Arellano.


If you are interested in supporting us, or have questions about support, please visit our Contact page and fill out the inquiry form. A leader will get in touch with you shortly!

Support Us: Donate

Links to our Venmo, PayPal, Redbubble, and Monthly Donation:

Support Us: List
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